Round 1 - Google Vs Me
Written on Monday, August 24, 2009 by Unknown
Today, during the course of random browsing i stumbled across this small piece of interesting information.
(Produced Verbatim below from the source)
{ The Google Natural Number Game
Google employee Neil Fraser asks:
What is the smallest natural number which when Googled produces no results?
e.g. 155253458363
Now since this has been posted all over the net, the actual answer changed. And it has been changing rapidly since then. Last i checked it was 155253458367
and moments later it is 155253458368.
So now i have decided to take on Google search and keep updating this blog by changing the answer till google indexes it. I know I would be fighting against a machine and it might be even futile but what the heck I would atleast know how fast google crawls web (and ofcourse my blog). I am also thinking what if i end up upsetting some top brass in Google who decide to ban this blog (am using their blogging service after all.) Or I might end up having friends who think I am completely jobless (most already think so). Whatever happens, I think, is worth the risk :)
Update - They are really really fast. My blog has been indexed. The answer now is 155253458369.
155253458370 :)
One of my readers (ilango) pinged me and pointed out that the new answer is 155253458371.
Strange Things Happening...
I suddenly have noticed that the index has started moving backwards. The answer changed back to 155253458370. I was like "Did Google remove my index?".. Next day the answer was 155253458369.. And now it is 155253458368. Did i win?