Insanity 2.0
Written on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 by Unknown
No there is no Insanity 1.0 . Did you ever called KBC as "KBC 1" before the second version came out.
It's been Three hundred forty two days since i last posted something on this blog which actually seems like a life time. (I wrote it as Three hundred forty two and not 342 because the former looks some really large number and no, I didn't count it, it is just an approximation with the assumption that it bothers no body.) After getting into IIM, I never had any time to keep this blog updated (it is an exaggeration, which is ok) and now when I am doing my Summer Internship I have run out of excuses to not update it. If you have noticed (ofcourse you have noticed) that the look and feel of this website has also got a face lift keeping in line with the spirit of Insanity 2.0
Summary: Insanity personified is name of my blog. It has been dead for long and when I restarted it I chose to call it Insanity 2.0 because of no good reason (Brevity is a virtue which I fail to realize ... time and again)
I was thinking if I had kept this blog updated what stuffs would have gone here. Umm perhaps some of these ...... My first few days at IIM, victory at talent night and elections, some nonsense, Klueless and after, T20 victory, more nonsense, my new graphic designs and still more nonsense. However, I would try to catch up with some of those in next few days but it's a promise which i'll try not to break.
I just now realized that the first post to Insanity 2.0 is a pure crap but then I also realized someday I had to do it.
It's been Three hundred forty two days since i last posted something on this blog which actually seems like a life time. (I wrote it as Three hundred forty two and not 342 because the former looks some really large number and no, I didn't count it, it is just an approximation with the assumption that it bothers no body.) After getting into IIM, I never had any time to keep this blog updated (it is an exaggeration, which is ok) and now when I am doing my Summer Internship I have run out of excuses to not update it. If you have noticed (ofcourse you have noticed) that the look and feel of this website has also got a face lift keeping in line with the spirit of Insanity 2.0
Summary: Insanity personified is name of my blog. It has been dead for long and when I restarted it I chose to call it Insanity 2.0 because of no good reason (Brevity is a virtue which I fail to realize ... time and again)
I was thinking if I had kept this blog updated what stuffs would have gone here. Umm perhaps some of these ...... My first few days at IIM, victory at talent night and elections, some nonsense, Klueless and after, T20 victory, more nonsense, my new graphic designs and still more nonsense. However, I would try to catch up with some of those in next few days but it's a promise which i'll try not to break.
I just now realized that the first post to Insanity 2.0 is a pure crap but then I also realized someday I had to do it.

I myself am the owner of a dead blog(tried to revive it twice) but lack of time(no exaggeration, well ok some exaggeration) didnt really allow me.
So heres wishing you a long living second innings of this blog! Remember cricket doesnt understand the concept of 3rd innings so either dont let this innings stop, or start following baseball ;)
Welcome back!
Here goes this comment second time....
You owe me a chocolate for this :p
And yess Mr Jalan , I will make sure u post everytime I post...
Btw I am looking forward to reading some interestin posts here :)