Round 1 - Google Vs Me

Written on Monday, August 24, 2009 by Unknown

Today, during the course of random browsing i stumbled across this small piece of interesting information.
(Produced Verbatim below from the source)
{ The Google Natural Number Game

Google employee Neil Fraser asks:

What is the smallest natural number which when Googled produces no results?

e.g. 155253458363


Now since this has been posted all over the net, the actual answer changed. And it has been changing rapidly since then. Last i checked it was 155253458367
and moments later it is 155253458368.
So now i have decided to take on Google search and keep updating this blog by changing the answer till google indexes it. I know I would be fighting against a machine and it might be even futile but what the heck I would atleast know how fast google crawls web (and ofcourse my blog). I am also thinking what if i end up upsetting some top brass in Google who decide to ban this blog (am using their blogging service after all.) Or I might end up having friends who think I am completely jobless (most already think so). Whatever happens, I think, is worth the risk :)
Update - They are really really fast. My blog has been indexed. The answer now is 155253458369.
155253458370 :)
One of my readers (ilango) pinged me and pointed out that the new answer is 155253458371.
Strange Things Happening...
I suddenly have noticed that the index has started moving backwards. The answer changed back to 155253458370. I was like "Did Google remove my index?".. Next day the answer was 155253458369.. And now it is 155253458368. Did i win?

Why Google Still Owns the Web

Written on Thursday, July 30, 2009 by Unknown

What if there were ...

Written on Thursday, July 16, 2009 by Unknown


One Radhika = reports to Ankit
Two Radhika = Bang into each other while laughing
Three Radhika = Poor Himanshu
Four Radhika = Poor VMI

One Ankit = Cheap bastard
Two Ankit = change the way VMI works
Three Ankit = report to one ankit
Four Ankit = World does not have enough space

One Ankur = Equals entire People Team
Two Ankur = Are u nuts?

One Sahil = Is on phone
Two Sahil = Is on phone
Three Sahil = Is on phone
Four Sahil = Network Congestion

One Arun = Is cribbing about carom board
Two Arun = is cribbing about tv
Three Arun = is cribbing about two arun
Four Arun = I change my planet

... More to follow

My First Night

Written on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 by Unknown

(It’s just a pure coincidence that title of my previous post and this one have word "Night" in common. You might be wondering is this some Nighty blog (watever that means). No it's not.)

The title was just to catch your attention. In our communication classes we called it hook. And now since you are hooked (of course you are), “The first Night” was the first night at our new House. Big deal, you may ask. But when people are updating the world about them cleaning their desktop (that was me btw) through the facebooks and twitters of the world, the first night at a new home definitely warrants a full blog entry of its own.

I kept my right foot first (because am right handed) and then my left foot (because I have two legs). The house was burning hot and Sahil flung into action, immediately. He was out of his shirts before me, Arun or the house could realize it. I actually wondered if he had walked like this all the way from office. Arun was grunting something. I was SURE he had walked like this all the way from office.

The house has one large room, one larger hall and not so large terrace (but then we have three of them… no not the houses but terraces). I can see Qutub Minar from two of it. Arun retired early. Sahil put the phone on his ear and also went off to sleep. I kept roaming around in the large hall and not so large terrace. Had switched off all the lights in the house but a few yellow lights from the street lamps were still stealing their way through the windows. An hour passed by and Arun was still grunting. Concerned I went into the room only to find that it was just the fan. He had slept long back.

Me still not sleepy, came out again. Suddenly saw something moving in a corner. I froze. So did it. I moved. So did it. Genius me, realized that it was just a glass. It reminded me of Anthony from that AB movie. Bored as I was, I actually started talking to Anthony. I wasn’t drunk!

I came back to my room at about 2:30 . Heard some noises. No it wasn’t fan this time. Not even Arun. It was Sahil still on the phone. The lights were switched off, he was lying on the bed forming a triangle with his elbows, shoulders and ears being the three vertices. Absolutely no movement, just the voice. When I went close I realized he didn’t even have a phone. The guy was talking in his sleep.

All of sudden Anthony appeared from nowhere, looked at me and said, “Welcome to the house!”

P.S 1 – I confess that it was the most content less blog entry ever written but I had to do it. It’s one of those block breaker entries and I promise lots of enriching post after this.

P.S 2 – I totally seem to be addicted to Facebook. The other day I was actually wondering if my life was a facebook newfeed, whether I would have “Like”d it. There are times when I look at people and feel like writing comments on their face. And when I was house hunting I had to convince myself that 4 facebook walls would not make a house.

Disclaimer 1: Sahil and Arun are for real.

Disclaimer 2: I copied this style from a friend's blog and took due permission before doing so. Here is a copy of the "right of use".

me: i am stealing your ps1 and ps2 idea for my next (and probably from now on all entry) in my blogs
5:15 PM and no due credit would be given
you are free to call me a chor in the comments part
i wont delete it
am busy right now
so here you go.. CHOR!!
me: ok